library(readxl) library(readxl) var1 <- read_excel("C:/Users/Tolga OMAY/Desktop/Econometrics Courses/TEKES Dersler/R ile Ekonometri/VAR/var1.xlsx") View(var1) mydata <- var1 View(mydata) ### Estimation of the VAR(1) model mydata <- var1 View(mydata) attach(mydata) str(mydata) # Defining variables y <-ts(mydata[,2],start=c(2000,1),frequency = 12) x <-ts(mydata[,3],start=c(2000,1),frequency = 12) plot(y) TT <- dim(mydata) TT Var_1 <- ar(cbind(x, y), method="ols", dmean=T, intercept=F) Var_1$ar data <- cbind(x, y) View(data) #Ordinary least squares is used to fit the model to the mean adjusted series – with #dmean set to TRUE and intercept set to FALSE since the latter parameter will #not be required. acf(Var_1$res[-c(1:1), 1]) acf(Var_1$res[-c(1:1), 2]) # lag 1 cıktı 1:1 3 cıksa :3 #From the code above, we see that the best-fitting VAR model is of order 1. #The correlogram of the residual series indicates that the residuals are approximately #install.packages("vars") library(vars) #?VAR VAR1.var <- VAR(cbind(x, y),p=1, type = "both", ic = c("HQ")) coef(VAR1.var) #bivariate white noise, thus validating the assumptions for a VAR model acf(resid(VAR1.var)[, 1]) acf(resid(VAR1.var)[, 2]) Var1.pred <- predict(VAR1.var, n.ahead = 4) Var1.pred y.pred <- ts(Var1.pred$fcst$y[, 1], st = 1988, fr = 4) x.pred <- ts(Var1.pred$fcst$x[, 1], st = 1988, fr = 4) ts.plot(cbind(window(y, start = 1981), y.pred), lty = 1:2) ts.plot(cbind(window(x, start = 1981), x.pred), lty = 1:2) gdp <-ts(y, start=c(2008:1),frequency=12) unemp <-ts(x, start=c(2008:1),frequency=12) #####using more library VAR library(urca) #install.packages("mFilter") library(mFilter) #install.packages("TSstudio") library(TSstudio) library(tidyverse) library(tseries) library(forecast) plot(y, x) autoplot(cbind(gdp,unemp)) VAR1.mod <- cbind(gdp,unemp) colnames(VAR1.mod) <- cbind("DGP","Unemployment") lagselect <- VARselect(VAR1.mod, lag.max= 10, type="const") lagselect$selection VAR1.mod1 <- VAR(VAR1.mod, p = 1, type = "const", season = NULL, exog =NULL) summary(VAR1.mod1) #Diagnosis of the VAR # serial correlation serial1 <- serial.test(VAR1.mod1, = 12 , type = "PT.asymptotic") serial1 # there is no serial correlation p value is 0.3117 # heteroscedasticity ARCH1 <- arch.test(VAR1.mod1, lags.multi = 12 , multivariate.only = TRUE) ARCH1 # there is no heteroscedasticity p value is 0.3211 #Normality Test Norm1 <- normality.test(VAR1.mod1,multivariate.only = TRUE ) Norm1 # testing for Structural or model stability test Stability1 <- stability(VAR1.mod1, type = "OLS-CUSUM") plot(Stability1) # Granger Causality GrangerGDP <- causality(VAR1.mod1, cause = "DGP") GrangerGDP GrangerUnemp <- causality(VAR1.mod1, cause = "Unemployment") GrangerUnemp # Impulse Response Function GDPirf <- irf(VAR1.mod1,impulse ="Unemployment", response= "DGP", n.ahead = 20, boot = TRUE) plot(GDPirf, ylab ="DGP", main = "Shock Unemployment") Unempirf <- irf(VAR1.mod1,impulse ="DGP", response= "Unemployment", n.ahead = 20, boot = TRUE) plot(Unempirf, ylab ="Unemployment", main = "Shock GDP") # Variance Decompoistion FEVDI <- fevd(VAR1.mod1, n.ahead= 10) plot(FEVDI) #¦ VAR forecasting forecast <- predict(VAR1.mod1, n.ahead= 20, ci = 0.95) fanchart(forecast, names = "DGP") fanchart(forecast, names = "Unemployment", colors = "Pink") #?fanchart #1 Structural VAR set.seed(0) y<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=.75), n=120, innov = runif(120, 0, 1)) z<-y-0.5 par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ts.plot(z) inf <-ts(z, start=c(2008:1),frequency=12) onat <- diag(3) onat onat[2,1] <- NA onat[3,1] <- NA onat[3,2] <- NA onat # sırayla y ikisini etkiliyor, x sv <- cbind(gdp,unemp,inf) colnames(sv) <- cbind("DGP", "Unemployment", "inflation") View(sv) autoplot(sv) # lagselect lagselect1 <- VARselect(sv, lag.max = 4, type = "const") lagselect1 <- VARselect(sv, lag.max = 4, type = "both") lagselect1 <- VARselect(sv, lag.max = 4, type = "none", season = NULL) lagselect1$selection Model1 <- VAR(sv, p=1, season = NULL, exog = NULL, type = "const") SVARMod1 <- SVAR(Model1, Amat = onat, Bmat = NULL, hessian = TRUE, estmethod = c("scoring","direct")) SVARMod1 #SVAR implres SVARirf <- irf(SVARMod1,impulse ="Unemployment", response= "DGP") plot(SVARirf, ylab ="DGP", main = "Shock Unemployment") SVARirf <- irf(SVARMod1,impulse ="Unemployment", response= "inflation") plot(SVARirf, ylab ="inflation", main = "Shock Unemployment") SVARirf <- irf(SVARMod1,impulse ="DGP", response= "Unemployment") plot(SVARirf, ylab ="Unemployment", main = "Shock DGP") SVARirf <- irf(SVARMod1,impulse ="DGP", response= "inflation") plot(SVARirf, ylab ="inflation", main = "Shock DGP") SVARirf <- irf(SVARMod1,impulse ="DGP", response= "DGP") plot(SVARirf, ylab ="DGP", main = "Shock DGP")