## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: TTR
## Warning: package 'TTR' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
##   method            from
##   as.zoo.data.frame zoo

##            ISCTR.IS.Close AKBNK.IS.Close GARAN.IS.Close YKBNK.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24           9.66          15.46          24.48           9.37
## 2022-10-25           9.88          15.52          24.38           9.52
## 2022-10-26           9.73          15.78          24.88           9.54
## 2022-10-27           9.38          15.23          23.92           9.27
## 2022-10-28           9.05          14.68          23.42           8.88
## 2022-10-31           9.32          14.62          23.50           9.21
##            ARCLK.IS.Close AKSEN.IS.Close ASELS.IS.Close BIMAS.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24          72.10          41.78          31.88          142.6
## 2022-10-25          72.00          40.90          31.90          140.0
## 2022-10-26          72.10          42.60          33.22          136.8
## 2022-10-27          75.80          41.20          32.36          135.0
## 2022-10-28          73.65          40.40          31.80          132.8
## 2022-10-31          78.65          41.40          32.22          134.0
##            EKGYO.IS.Close EREGL.IS.Close FROTO.IS.Close GUBRF.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24           4.63          30.48          375.7          142.9
## 2022-10-25           4.53          30.22          368.3          141.3
## 2022-10-26           4.57          30.80          365.3          140.7
## 2022-10-27           4.52          30.12          360.7          139.6
## 2022-10-28           4.42          29.64          356.9          142.9
## 2022-10-31           4.41          29.70          363.0          145.5
##            HEKTS.IS.Close KCHOL.IS.Close KOZAA.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24          28.96          57.40          32.08
## 2022-10-25          28.00          57.95          31.32
## 2022-10-26          28.94          56.45          31.28
## 2022-10-27          28.14          55.00          31.32
## 2022-10-28          27.92          54.50          30.72
## 2022-10-31          28.64          55.60          31.88
##      Index            ISCTR.IS.Close   AKBNK.IS.Close   GARAN.IS.Close  
##  Min.   :2020-01-07   Min.   : 2.048   Min.   : 4.690   Min.   : 6.470  
##  1st Qu.:2020-09-21   1st Qu.: 2.323   1st Qu.: 5.410   1st Qu.: 8.152  
##  Median :2021-06-02   Median : 2.788   Median : 6.310   Median : 9.525  
##  Mean   :2021-06-03   Mean   : 3.441   Mean   : 7.011   Mean   :10.970  
##  3rd Qu.:2022-02-14   3rd Qu.: 3.749   3rd Qu.: 7.938   3rd Qu.:11.980  
##  Max.   :2022-10-31   Max.   :12.550   Max.   :17.510   Max.   :29.560  
##  YKBNK.IS.Close  ARCLK.IS.Close  AKSEN.IS.Close   ASELS.IS.Close 
##  Min.   :1.760   Min.   :12.53   Min.   : 1.520   Min.   :10.39  
##  1st Qu.:2.243   1st Qu.:23.19   1st Qu.: 2.931   1st Qu.:15.17  
##  Median :2.765   Median :32.82   Median : 6.120   Median :17.40  
##  Mean   :3.331   Mean   :39.23   Mean   : 9.844   Mean   :18.82  
##  3rd Qu.:3.928   3rd Qu.:54.52   3rd Qu.:12.240   3rd Qu.:22.36  
##  Max.   :9.730   Max.   :83.70   Max.   :44.100   Max.   :33.86  
##  BIMAS.IS.Close   EKGYO.IS.Close  EREGL.IS.Close  FROTO.IS.Close  
##  Min.   : 45.52   Min.   :1.070   Min.   : 7.37   Min.   : 77.15  
##  1st Qu.: 64.05   1st Qu.:1.820   1st Qu.: 9.46   1st Qu.:161.90  
##  Median : 69.45   Median :2.055   Median :17.95   Median :188.20  
##  Mean   : 72.66   Mean   :2.231   Mean   :18.88   Mean   :211.62  
##  3rd Qu.: 76.24   3rd Qu.:2.460   3rd Qu.:28.11   3rd Qu.:279.50  
##  Max.   :142.60   Max.   :5.350   Max.   :36.50   Max.   :375.70  
##                                                   NA's   :145     
##  GUBRF.IS.Close   HEKTS.IS.Close    KCHOL.IS.Close  KOZAA.IS.Close 
##  Min.   :  8.36   Min.   : 0.4260   Min.   :12.99   Min.   : 7.67  
##  1st Qu.: 29.75   1st Qu.: 0.7356   1st Qu.:17.99   1st Qu.:13.15  
##  Median : 61.73   Median : 2.2345   Median :21.43   Median :15.52  
##  Mean   : 59.24   Mean   : 3.7786   Mean   :25.67   Mean   :17.97  
##  3rd Qu.: 79.00   3rd Qu.: 4.1481   3rd Qu.:33.29   3rd Qu.:22.48  
##  Max.   :145.50   Max.   :30.3000   Max.   :57.95   Max.   :34.70  

##            KOZAL.IS.Close PETKM.IS.Close PGSUS.IS.Close SASA.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24          196.4          13.44          325.3         100.0
## 2022-10-25          191.8          13.25          320.0         105.0
## 2022-10-26          192.7          13.37          324.6         104.2
## 2022-10-27          194.4          13.50          324.0         103.9
## 2022-10-28          190.7          13.32          316.8         109.3
## 2022-10-31          194.3          13.44          320.2         120.2
##            SISE.IS.Close TAVHL.IS.Close TCELL.IS.Close THYAO.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24         32.46          82.90          26.06          99.50
## 2022-10-25         33.82          82.20          25.24         100.50
## 2022-10-26         34.00          82.35          24.72          98.80
## 2022-10-27         33.30          80.90          25.06          99.40
## 2022-10-28         32.54          78.50          24.24          96.95
## 2022-10-31         33.22          78.40          25.64         101.30
##            TKFEN.IS.Close TOASO.IS.Close TTKOM.IS.Close VESTL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-24          32.40         106.90          12.58          46.26
## 2022-10-25          32.20         106.30          12.34          46.52
## 2022-10-26          32.06         104.30          12.30          46.40
## 2022-10-27          31.18         100.00          12.19          47.08
## 2022-10-28          31.70          98.75          12.13          45.66
## 2022-10-31          32.96          98.40          12.39          46.10
##      Index            KOZAL.IS.Close   PETKM.IS.Close   PGSUS.IS.Close  
##  Min.   :2020-01-07   Min.   : 51.50   Min.   : 2.342   Min.   : 23.72  
##  1st Qu.:2020-09-21   1st Qu.: 80.15   1st Qu.: 3.542   1st Qu.: 58.94  
##  Median :2021-06-02   Median :112.35   Median : 6.040   Median : 75.38  
##  Mean   :2021-06-03   Mean   :116.16   Mean   : 6.433   Mean   : 94.89  
##  3rd Qu.:2022-02-14   3rd Qu.:137.38   3rd Qu.: 8.505   3rd Qu.:103.10  
##  Max.   :2022-10-31   Max.   :208.00   Max.   :15.250   Max.   :330.30  
##  SASA.IS.Close     SISE.IS.Close    TAVHL.IS.Close  TCELL.IS.Close 
##  Min.   :  1.845   Min.   : 3.710   Min.   :13.77   Min.   :12.05  
##  1st Qu.:  5.956   1st Qu.: 6.412   1st Qu.:19.88   1st Qu.:15.10  
##  Median : 14.550   Median : 7.790   Median :24.73   Median :16.16  
##  Mean   : 19.779   Mean   :11.079   Mean   :30.37   Mean   :16.98  
##  3rd Qu.: 26.081   3rd Qu.:14.125   3rd Qu.:37.29   3rd Qu.:18.37  
##  Max.   :120.200   Max.   :34.000   Max.   :82.90   Max.   :26.06  
##  THYAO.IS.Close   TKFEN.IS.Close  TOASO.IS.Close   TTKOM.IS.Close  
##  Min.   :  7.74   Min.   :11.69   Min.   : 16.08   Min.   : 5.700  
##  1st Qu.: 12.06   1st Qu.:14.91   1st Qu.: 27.09   1st Qu.: 7.110  
##  Median : 13.54   Median :16.76   Median : 36.52   Median : 7.960  
##  Mean   : 23.56   Mean   :18.45   Mean   : 48.18   Mean   : 8.369  
##  3rd Qu.: 27.71   3rd Qu.:20.23   3rd Qu.: 75.49   3rd Qu.: 9.270  
##  Max.   :101.30   Max.   :34.42   Max.   :106.90   Max.   :13.340  
##  VESTL.IS.Close 
##  Min.   : 8.91  
##  1st Qu.:17.48  
##  Median :25.11  
##  Mean   :24.18  
##  3rd Qu.:29.21  
##  Max.   :47.08
## [1] "************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi Veri ortalama Fiyati, Kirmizi ciktigi en yuksek deger, Yesil son deger]********"

##            ISCTR.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       355.1801
## [1] 512.9303
## [1] 12.550000  2.047541  9.320000
##            AKBNK.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       211.7271
## [1] 273.3475
## [1] 17.51  4.69 14.62
## [1] 356.8779
##            GARAN.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       263.2148
## [1] 29.56  6.47 23.50
##            YKBNK.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       423.2955
## [1] 452.8409
## [1] 12.550000  2.047541  9.210000
##            ARCLK.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       527.6936
## [1] 567.9968
## [1] 83.70 12.53 78.65
##            AKSEN.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       2623.684
## [1] 2801.316
## [1] 44.10  1.52 41.40
##            ASELS.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       210.1059
## [1] 225.8903
## [1] 33.86 10.39 32.22
##            BIMAS.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       194.3761
## [1] 213.2689
## [1] 142.60  45.52 134.00
##            EKGYO.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       312.1495
## [1] 400
## [1] 5.35 1.07 4.41
##            EREGL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       302.9851
## [1] 395.251
## [1] 36.50  7.37 29.70
##            FROTO.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31        370.512
## [1] 386.9734
## [1] 375.70  77.15 363.00
##            GUBRF.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       1640.431
## [1] 1640.431
## [1] 145.50   8.36 145.50
##            HEKTS.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       6623.178
## [1] 7012.859
## [1] 30.299999  0.425989 28.639999
##            KCHOL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       328.0215
## [1] 346.1124
## [1] 57.95 12.99 55.60
##            GUBRF.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       1640.431
## [1] 1640.431
## [1] 145.50   8.36 145.50
##            KOZAA.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       315.6454
## [1] 352.412
## [1] 34.70  7.67 31.88
##            KOZAL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       277.2816
## [1] 303.8835
## [1] 208.0  51.5 194.3
##            PETKM.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       473.9503
## [1] 551.2457
## [1] 15.250000  2.341666 13.440000
##            PGSUS.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       1249.916
## [1] 1292.496
## [1] 330.30  23.72 320.20
##            SASA.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31      6413.959
## [1] 6413.959
## [1] 120.199997   1.845268 120.199997
## [1] 816.442
##            SISE.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31      795.4178
## [1] 34.00  3.71 33.22
##            TAVHL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       469.3537
## [1] 502.0334
## [1] 82.90 13.77 78.40
##            THYAO.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       1208.786
## [1] 1208.786
## [1] 101.30   7.74 101.30
##            TKFEN.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       181.9504
## [1] 194.4397
## [1] 34.42 11.69 32.96
##            TOASO.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       511.9403
## [1] 564.801
## [1] 106.90  16.08  98.40
##            TTKOM.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       117.3684
## [1] 134.0351
## [1] 13.34  5.70 12.39
##            VESTL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       417.3962
## [1] 428.3951
## [1] 47.08  8.91 46.10
##            TCELL.IS.Close
## 2022-10-31       112.7801
## [1] 116.2656
## [1] 26.06 12.05 25.64
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ISbankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             9.098574
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              9.151575
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              9.310577
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              9.204576
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.747589       9.32
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** AKBNKbankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             14.31799
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              14.40595
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              14.66983
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              14.49391
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.868989      14.62
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** ARCLK Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             75.83757
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              80.80044
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              95.68905
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              85.76331
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                 2.75309      78.65
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** AKSA enerji AKSEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             40.19602
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              41.32291
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              44.70357
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              42.44979
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.382502       41.4
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** Aselsan enerji AKSEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             31.66722
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              32.31464
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              34.25692
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              32.96207
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                 2.59162      32.22
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** BIMAS AKSEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                               131.65
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              133.3921
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              138.6184
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              135.1342
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.672457        134
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** EKGYO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             4.322908
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              4.353176
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              4.443978
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              4.383443
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.359273       4.41
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** EREGL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             29.58804
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              32.34794
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              40.62763
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              35.10784
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                1.442089       29.7
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** FROTO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             356.5632
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              357.5387
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                               360.465
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              358.5141
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.420768        363
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** HEKTS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             27.70925
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              27.78839
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                               28.0258
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              27.86753
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.973931      28.64
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** KCHOL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                              54.4922
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              54.92375
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              56.21838
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              55.35529
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.636446       55.6
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** KOZAA Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             31.02179
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              31.66557
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                               33.5969
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              32.30934
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.592111      31.88
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** KOZAA Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             191.0881
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              199.1964
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              223.5215
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              207.3048
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                2.958481      194.3
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** PETKM Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             13.10805
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              13.24974
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                               13.6748
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              13.39143
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.565228      13.44
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** PGSUS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             312.8068
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              313.5877
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              315.9301
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              314.3685
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.852445      320.2
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** SASA Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                               112.74
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              114.3374
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              119.1294
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              115.9347
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.839401      120.2
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** SISE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             32.55936
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              32.80198
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              33.52985
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              33.04461
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.842148      33.22
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** TAVHL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             77.06899
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              77.76918
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              79.86976
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              78.46938
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                 3.85622       78.4
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** TCELL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             24.97719
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              25.11543
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              25.53015
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              25.25367
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.635431      25.64
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** THYAO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                              99.3107
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              100.1415
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              102.6338
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              100.9723
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.864531      101.3
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** TKFEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             32.32732
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              32.80565
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              34.24063
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              33.28398
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                 3.41301      32.96
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** TOASO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             96.71403
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                               99.0076
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              105.8883
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              101.3012
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                 3.31311       98.4
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** TTKOM Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             12.16732
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              12.17738
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              12.20757
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              12.18745
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.428312      12.39
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** VESTL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
##           Model1:    Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts                             44.67486
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts                                              45.14383
##           Model3:     Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts                              46.55075
##           Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts                                              45.61281
##           Selecting date range:    ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts                                3.598599       46.1
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