## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: TTR
## Warning: package 'TTR' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
## method from
## as.zoo.data.frame zoo
## 2022-10-28 9.05 8.57 14.68 23.42
## 2022-10-31 9.32 8.57 14.62 23.50
## 2022-11-01 9.38 8.51 14.55 23.40
## 2022-11-02 8.97 8.66 14.45 23.48
## 2022-11-03 8.70 8.57 14.19 23.16
## 2022-11-04 8.95 9.07 14.57 23.60
## 2022-10-28 3.02 2.05 8.88 2.30
## 2022-10-31 3.01 2.03 9.21 2.29
## 2022-11-01 2.97 2.00 9.25 2.29
## 2022-11-02 3.12 2.03 8.92 2.31
## 2022-11-03 3.03 1.99 8.76 2.29
## 2022-11-04 3.11 2.06 9.27 2.39
## ICBCT.IS.Close HALKB.IS.Close
## 2022-10-28 7.79 8.25
## 2022-10-31 7.56 8.24
## 2022-11-01 7.40 8.24
## 2022-11-02 7.22 8.29
## 2022-11-03 7.11 8.21
## 2022-11-04 7.24 8.54
## Index ISCTR.IS.Close VAKBN.IS.Close AKBNK.IS.Close
## Min. :2020-08-07 Min. : 2.120 Min. : 3.220 Min. : 4.690
## 1st Qu.:2021-02-24 1st Qu.: 2.372 1st Qu.: 3.560 1st Qu.: 5.300
## Median :2021-09-23 Median : 3.011 Median : 3.970 Median : 6.510
## Mean :2021-09-20 Mean : 3.717 Mean : 4.355 Mean : 7.193
## 3rd Qu.:2022-04-11 3rd Qu.: 4.340 3rd Qu.: 4.390 3rd Qu.: 8.040
## Max. :2022-11-04 Max. :12.550 Max. :14.240 Max. :17.510
## Min. : 6.48 Min. :1.050 Min. :0.920 Min. :1.980
## 1st Qu.: 8.43 1st Qu.:1.310 1st Qu.:1.060 1st Qu.:2.310
## Median : 9.92 Median :1.550 Median :1.170 Median :3.020
## Mean :11.54 Mean :1.839 Mean :1.396 Mean :3.618
## 3rd Qu.:13.47 3rd Qu.:2.000 3rd Qu.:1.460 3rd Qu.:4.210
## Max. :29.56 Max. :7.190 Max. :5.250 Max. :9.730
## Min. :1.210 Min. :4.570 Min. : 4.180
## 1st Qu.:1.520 1st Qu.:5.200 1st Qu.: 4.690
## Median :1.710 Median :5.700 Median : 5.050
## Mean :1.738 Mean :5.942 Mean : 5.335
## 3rd Qu.:1.950 3rd Qu.:6.650 3rd Qu.: 5.430
## Max. :2.590 Max. :8.740 Max. :15.130
## [1] "************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi Veri ortalama Fiyati, Kirmizi ciktigi en yuksek deger, Yesil son deger]********"
## [1] "********[ISBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[VKBANK=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[AKBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[SKBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[GRBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[TSBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[YKBANK=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[ALBANK=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[ICBANK=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[HKBANK=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Siyah= Fiyat, Mavi= fiyat yuzde buyume, Kirmizi= fiyat degisim. Son 6 gun]********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi, Kirmizi ve Yesil cizgi sonlar<fd> yukari ise artis demek hepsi yukari ise kesin artis bir iki yukar<fd> ise belirsiz bir durum********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ISbankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 8.75811
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 8.811421
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 8.971353
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 8.864732
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.739182 8.95
## [1] "**GT Forecast: 9.597789747**"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Vak<fd>fbank Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 8.699077
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 8.875642
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 9.405336
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 9.052207
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.615933 9.07
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Garanti bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 22.99917
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 23.10098
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 23.40644
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 23.2028
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.733144 23.6
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Ak bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 14.27083
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 14.35334
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 14.60086
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 14.43584
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.866648 14.57
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Halk bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 8.256411
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 8.492962
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 9.202617
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 8.729514
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.428358 8.54
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Sekerbank bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 2.000647
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 2.039244
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 2.155034
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 2.077841
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.542568 2.06
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ICBCT bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 7.074998
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 7.438952
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 8.530812
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 7.802905
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.33219 7.24
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ALBRK bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 2.325133
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 2.325983
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 2.328532
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 2.326833
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.600553 2.39
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********Yap<fd> Kredi bankasi Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 9.040739
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 9.053345
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 9.091164
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 9.065951
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.835542 9.27
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