## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: TTR
## Warning: package 'TTR' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
## method from
## as.zoo.data.frame zoo
## Warning: GWIND.IS contains missing values. Some functions will not work if
## objects contain missing values in the middle of the series. Consider using
## na.omit(), na.approx(), na.fill(), etc to remove or replace them.
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/HUNER.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/HUNER.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/KARYE.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/MANAS.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/GESAN.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/NTGAZ.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/GESAN.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/SMRTG.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/YEOTK.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,
## quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader
## on 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/HUNER.IS?
## period1=1599436800&period2=1667952000&interval=1d&events=history'
## 2022-11-01 5.54 28.20 149.0 3.76
## 2022-11-02 5.45 28.42 147.9 3.92
## 2022-11-03 5.57 28.46 149.2 3.98
## 2022-11-04 5.61 30.58 146.1 3.89
## 2022-11-07 5.42 30.98 145.7 3.94
## 2022-11-08 5.19 30.34 144.0 3.88
## 2022-11-01 21.10 19.96 7.18 NA
## 2022-11-02 21.72 20.20 7.02 NA
## 2022-11-03 21.94 20.80 7.20 NA
## 2022-11-04 22.38 20.48 7.09 NA
## 2022-11-07 22.20 20.52 7.06 NA
## 2022-11-08 21.76 20.04 6.98 205.8
## 2022-11-01 NA 1.58 26.94
## 2022-11-02 NA 1.57 27.98
## 2022-11-03 NA 1.63 28.30
## 2022-11-04 NA 1.59 29.10
## 2022-11-07 NA 1.62 29.92
## 2022-11-08 9.45 1.58 28.86
## Index ALMAD.IS.Close AYEN.IS.Close CANTE.IS.Close
## Min. :2020-09-07 Min. :1.117 Min. : 4.240 Min. : 4.29
## 1st Qu.:2021-03-18 1st Qu.:1.290 1st Qu.: 5.520 1st Qu.: 12.04
## Median :2021-10-09 Median :1.290 Median : 7.245 Median : 17.89
## Mean :2021-10-06 Mean :1.851 Mean :10.316 Mean : 35.39
## 3rd Qu.:2022-04-19 3rd Qu.:2.127 3rd Qu.:13.900 3rd Qu.: 39.92
## Max. :2022-11-08 Max. :5.720 Max. :31.900 Max. :154.80
## NA's :166
## Min. :1.596 Min. : 8.19 Min. : 6.800 Min. :3.950
## 1st Qu.:2.237 1st Qu.:10.61 1st Qu.: 7.338 1st Qu.:4.843
## Median :2.580 Median :12.19 Median : 9.835 Median :5.630
## Mean :2.552 Mean :12.78 Mean :11.383 Mean :5.666
## 3rd Qu.:2.830 3rd Qu.:14.23 3rd Qu.:15.043 3rd Qu.:6.247
## Max. :3.980 Max. :22.38 Max. :20.800 Max. :8.320
## NA's :398
## Min. :205.8 Min. :9.45 Min. :0.700 Min. :10.85
## 1st Qu.:205.8 1st Qu.:9.45 1st Qu.:0.860 1st Qu.:12.27
## Median :205.8 Median :9.45 Median :0.930 Median :13.63
## Mean :205.8 Mean :9.45 Mean :1.021 Mean :15.03
## 3rd Qu.:205.8 3rd Qu.:9.45 3rd Qu.:1.140 3rd Qu.:17.25
## Max. :205.8 Max. :9.45 Max. :1.860 Max. :29.92
## NA's :545 NA's :545
## 2022-11-01 19.93 NA 107.9 NA
## 2022-11-02 21.20 NA 114.4 NA
## 2022-11-03 23.32 NA 123.2 NA
## 2022-11-04 24.82 NA 121.8 NA
## 2022-11-07 26.02 NA 124.4 NA
## 2022-11-08 27.30 27.86 136.8 35.8
## 2022-11-01 24.32 122.7 NA 22.52
## 2022-11-02 26.28 129.7 NA 23.78
## 2022-11-03 27.04 139.8 NA 23.70
## 2022-11-04 28.84 143.8 NA 23.28
## 2022-11-07 28.14 146.6 NA 23.48
## 2022-11-08 28.82 155.0 35.4 23.20
## 2022-11-01 149.5 15.10 11.32 28.58
## 2022-11-02 142.3 15.70 11.81 28.86
## 2022-11-03 142.8 15.92 11.43 28.70
## 2022-11-04 143.2 15.63 11.37 30.00
## 2022-11-07 145.9 14.29 11.34 29.18
## 2022-11-08 145.9 13.89 11.33 28.52
## 2022-11-01 NA 21.86 NA 34.16
## 2022-11-02 NA 21.62 NA 37.50
## 2022-11-03 NA 21.00 NA 40.58
## 2022-11-04 NA 21.46 NA 41.62
## 2022-11-07 NA 21.06 NA 41.00
## 2022-11-08 84.55 20.00 63.5 39.50
## ZOREN.IS.Close
## 2022-11-01 4.68
## 2022-11-02 4.92
## 2022-11-03 5.41
## 2022-11-04 5.84
## 2022-11-07 5.90
## 2022-11-08 5.81
## Index KAREL.IS.Close KARYE.IS.Close KONTR.IS.Close
## Min. :2020-09-07 Min. : 4.724 Min. :27.86 Min. : 1.444
## 1st Qu.:2021-03-18 1st Qu.: 8.442 1st Qu.:27.86 1st Qu.: 12.104
## Median :2021-10-09 Median : 9.669 Median :27.86 Median : 14.116
## Mean :2021-10-06 Mean :10.503 Mean :27.86 Mean : 22.035
## 3rd Qu.:2022-04-19 3rd Qu.:12.965 3rd Qu.:27.86 3rd Qu.: 28.547
## Max. :2022-11-08 Max. :27.300 Max. :27.86 Max. :136.800
## NA's :545 NA's :30
## Min. :35.8 Min. : 8.420 Min. : 22.70 Min. :35.4
## 1st Qu.:35.8 1st Qu.: 9.335 1st Qu.: 36.12 1st Qu.:35.4
## Median :35.8 Median :10.010 Median : 40.98 Median :35.4
## Mean :35.8 Mean :11.924 Mean : 48.72 Mean :35.4
## 3rd Qu.:35.8 3rd Qu.:13.315 3rd Qu.: 58.21 3rd Qu.:35.4
## Max. :35.8 Max. :28.840 Max. :155.00 Max. :35.4
## NA's :545 NA's :288 NA's :545
## Min. : 4.237 Min. : 4.96 Min. : 4.200 Min. : 3.140
## 1st Qu.: 5.860 1st Qu.: 28.00 1st Qu.: 5.050 1st Qu.: 4.115
## Median : 6.545 Median : 53.65 Median : 5.740 Median : 5.015
## Mean : 7.424 Mean : 68.26 Mean : 6.438 Mean : 5.945
## 3rd Qu.: 7.320 3rd Qu.:106.33 3rd Qu.: 6.378 3rd Qu.: 7.110
## Max. :25.120 Max. :209.00 Max. :15.920 Max. :14.650
## Min. : 1.903 Min. :84.55 Min. : 3.330 Min. :63.5
## 1st Qu.: 6.570 1st Qu.:84.55 1st Qu.: 3.862 1st Qu.:63.5
## Median : 9.243 Median :84.55 Median : 4.775 Median :63.5
## Mean : 9.264 Mean :84.55 Mean : 6.134 Mean :63.5
## 3rd Qu.:11.270 3rd Qu.:84.55 3rd Qu.: 6.027 3rd Qu.:63.5
## Max. :30.000 Max. :84.55 Max. :24.520 Max. :63.5
## NA's :545 NA's :545
## ZEDUR.IS.Close ZOREN.IS.Close
## Min. : 7.70 Min. :1.440
## 1st Qu.:12.40 1st Qu.:1.720
## Median :20.00 Median :2.060
## Mean :21.45 Mean :2.297
## 3rd Qu.:25.75 3rd Qu.:2.700
## Max. :47.00 Max. :5.900
## [1] "************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi Veri ortalama Fiyati, Kirmizi ciktigi en yuksek deger, Yesil son deger]********"
## Warning in periodicity(x): can not calculate periodicity of 1 observation
## Warning in periodicity(x): can not calculate periodicity of 1 observation
## [1] "********[ORGE=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[ORGE=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[IEYHO=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[ENJSA=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[NATEN=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[KAREL=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[KONTR=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Siyah= Fiyat, Mavi= fiyat yuzde buyume, Kirmizi= fiyat degisim. Son 6 gun]********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi, Kirmizi ve Yesil cizgi sonlar<fd> yukari ise artis demek hepsi yukari ise kesin artis bir iki yukar<fd> ise belirsiz bir durum********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********AKSUE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 47.36464
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 49.14772
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 54.49696
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 50.9308
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.628151 49.22
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ALMAD Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 4.994178
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 5.06062
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 5.259944
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 5.127061
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.58818 5.19
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********AYEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 29.40276
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 30.28866
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 32.94637
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 31.17456
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.492809 30.34
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********CANTE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 139.4021
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 141.2709
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 146.8774
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 143.1398
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.493031 144
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** EMKEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 3.764185
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 3.916821
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 4.374728
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 4.069457
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.50472 3.88
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ENJSA Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 21.23772
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 21.85806
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 23.71909
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 22.47841
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.634185 21.76
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********GWIND Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 19.61654
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 20.15063
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 21.75289
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 20.68472
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.403518 20.04
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********GEREL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 6.814966
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 6.834076
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 6.891407
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 6.853187
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.251134 6.98
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********IEYHO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 1.547855
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 1.635792
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 1.8996
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 1.723728
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 2.409062 1.58
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********IPEKE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 27.74557
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 28.15194
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 29.37106
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 28.55832
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.475593 28.86
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********KAREL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 24.87786
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 26.00553
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 29.38854
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 27.1332
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.849609 27.3
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********KONTRL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 126.6755
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 129.7012
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 138.7781
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 132.7268
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.906195 136.8
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********MAGEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 27.35481
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 27.65467
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 28.55426
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 27.95453
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.833031 28.82
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********NATEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 145.6841
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 148.1415
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 155.5136
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 150.5989
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.723612 155
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ORGE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 22.37669
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 23.08878
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 25.22504
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 23.80087
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.003894 23.2
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********PAMEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 142.5785
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 147.3039
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 161.48
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 152.0293
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 2.338219 145.9
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********PRKME Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 13.77524
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 14.42079
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 16.35746
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 15.06635
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 2.887664 13.89
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********SANEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 11.08548
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 11.17693
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 11.45126
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 11.26837
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.472963 11.33
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********SAYAS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 27.51728
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 28.016
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 29.51215
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 28.51471
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.380925 28.52
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********TRCAS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 20.0333
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 21.24906
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 24.89635
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 22.46483
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.133323 20
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ZEDUR Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 38.48444
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 39.19186
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 41.31414
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 39.89929
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.783249 39.5
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ZOREN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 5.487498
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 5.613008
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 5.989538
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 5.738518
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.758379 5.81
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