# GESAN Makro Analiz
## AKR 1.0000000 0.7173762 0.5455558 0.8209845 0.7434601 0.7072813 0.8426226
## AKN 0.7173762 1.0000000 0.8637181 0.9366815 0.9776295 0.9423630 0.9553444
## AKU 0.5455558 0.8637181 1.0000000 0.7693842 0.8556890 0.8318490 0.7762733
## AM 0.8209845 0.9366815 0.7693842 1.0000000 0.9418702 0.9433369 0.9750433
## AL 0.7434601 0.9776295 0.8556890 0.9418702 1.0000000 0.9210342 0.9524067
## AN 0.7072813 0.9423630 0.8318490 0.9433369 0.9210342 1.0000000 0.9355116
## CA 0.8426226 0.9553444 0.7762733 0.9750433 0.9524067 0.9355116 1.0000000
## EM 0.7761113 0.5882579 0.5145727 0.7691809 0.6396681 0.6851115 0.7040106
## EN 0.7860627 0.8636408 0.8830757 0.8740632 0.8636059 0.8957560 0.8707312
## GR 0.7881549 0.3949470 0.1168683 0.5644736 0.4279835 0.3793748 0.5671325
## IE 0.9312500 0.5784857 0.4284415 0.7138397 0.6358573 0.5730775 0.7134654
## IP 0.6776332 0.8421842 0.8542209 0.8194562 0.8744482 0.8357940 0.7955619
## GE 0.9243793 0.8655509 0.6942748 0.8971232 0.8805682 0.8188422 0.9224473
## xelex 0.8692720 0.9612404 0.8162704 0.9710493 0.9628295 0.9346999 0.9861586
## EM EN GR IE IP GE xelex
## AKR 0.7761113 0.7860627 0.7881549 0.9312500 0.6776332 0.9243793 0.8692720
## AKN 0.5882579 0.8636408 0.3949470 0.5784857 0.8421842 0.8655509 0.9612404
## AKU 0.5145727 0.8830757 0.1168683 0.4284415 0.8542209 0.6942748 0.8162704
## AM 0.7691809 0.8740632 0.5644736 0.7138397 0.8194562 0.8971232 0.9710493
## AL 0.6396681 0.8636059 0.4279835 0.6358573 0.8744482 0.8805682 0.9628295
## AN 0.6851115 0.8957560 0.3793748 0.5730775 0.8357940 0.8188422 0.9346999
## CA 0.7040106 0.8707312 0.5671325 0.7134654 0.7955619 0.9224473 0.9861586
## EM 1.0000000 0.7184823 0.6853882 0.7857472 0.6862186 0.7364620 0.7287912
## EN 0.7184823 1.0000000 0.4061919 0.6790202 0.8850703 0.8334450 0.9111399
## GR 0.6853882 0.4061919 1.0000000 0.8191550 0.3106498 0.6902028 0.5644779
## IE 0.7857472 0.6790202 0.8191550 1.0000000 0.6296726 0.8793126 0.7604949
## IP 0.6862186 0.8850703 0.3106498 0.6296726 1.0000000 0.7876542 0.8535813
## GE 0.7364620 0.8334450 0.6902028 0.8793126 0.7876542 1.0000000 0.9546770
## xelex 0.7287912 0.9111399 0.5644779 0.7604949 0.8535813 0.9546770 1.0000000
## KL 1.00000000 0.92938651 0.05416614 0.9425161 0.9017397 0.660400841
## KO 0.92938651 1.00000000 0.01896522 0.9498539 0.9529275 0.562379533
## MN 0.05416614 0.01896522 1.00000000 0.1515901 0.0150991 0.534524272
## NT 0.94251612 0.94985393 0.15159011 1.0000000 0.9428778 0.709841438
## OR 0.90173966 0.95292750 0.01509910 0.9428778 1.0000000 0.565732900
## PM 0.66040084 0.56237953 0.53452427 0.7098414 0.5657329 1.000000000
## PR 0.83472102 0.80806978 0.16825339 0.8516814 0.8950332 0.616614153
## SL 0.65109917 0.56077145 0.21220482 0.6332556 0.6021937 0.707245133
## SY 0.91613330 0.91143760 0.18165661 0.9461619 0.9553880 0.682741650
## TR 0.86634623 0.89003782 0.17613731 0.9242112 0.9558769 0.652037403
## ZE 0.53461066 0.68213265 -0.24360064 0.5957458 0.7624188 -0.004436373
## ZO 0.90593824 0.96408431 0.03980073 0.9368696 0.9619966 0.546424108
## GE 0.87747197 0.95508092 0.06364330 0.9333600 0.9803263 0.563776423
## xelex 0.91305117 0.94127142 0.17122248 0.9649435 0.9680872 0.692944901
## KL 0.8347210 0.6510992 0.9161333 0.8663462 0.534610663 0.90593824 0.8774720
## KO 0.8080698 0.5607715 0.9114376 0.8900378 0.682132654 0.96408431 0.9550809
## MN 0.1682534 0.2122048 0.1816566 0.1761373 -0.243600638 0.03980073 0.0636433
## NT 0.8516814 0.6332556 0.9461619 0.9242112 0.595745813 0.93686957 0.9333600
## OR 0.8950332 0.6021937 0.9553880 0.9558769 0.762418847 0.96199663 0.9803263
## PM 0.6166142 0.7072451 0.6827416 0.6520374 -0.004436373 0.54642411 0.5637764
## PR 1.0000000 0.6652599 0.9212260 0.9445956 0.652821909 0.87152937 0.8398230
## SL 0.6652599 1.0000000 0.6904466 0.6188886 0.255670520 0.54309384 0.5793105
## SY 0.9212260 0.6904466 1.0000000 0.9612503 0.641112742 0.91565636 0.9304823
## TR 0.9445956 0.6188886 0.9612503 1.0000000 0.674873141 0.92569646 0.9229137
## ZE 0.6528219 0.2556705 0.6411127 0.6748731 1.000000000 0.73965570 0.7721217
## ZO 0.8715294 0.5430938 0.9156564 0.9256965 0.739655697 1.00000000 0.9570805
## GE 0.8398230 0.5793105 0.9304823 0.9229137 0.772121668 0.95708045 1.0000000
## xelex 0.9246847 0.6439900 0.9605936 0.9773337 0.662828225 0.96370374 0.9546770
## xelex
## KL 0.9130512
## KO 0.9412714
## MN 0.1712225
## NT 0.9649435
## OR 0.9680872
## PM 0.6929449
## PR 0.9246847
## SL 0.6439900
## SY 0.9605936
## TR 0.9773337
## ZE 0.6628282
## ZO 0.9637037
## GE 0.9546770
## xelex 1.0000000
## GE xelex
## GE 1.000000 0.954677
## xelex 0.954677 1.000000
## Call:
## lm(formula = XENERC[, 1] ~ XENERC[, 2], data = XENERC)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -32.326 -10.783 -1.668 11.462 53.153
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -37.037992 1.633219 -22.68 <2e-16 ***
## XENERC[, 2] 0.526767 0.009283 56.75 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 13.65 on 313 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.9114, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9111
## F-statistic: 3220 on 1 and 313 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = GE ~ CA)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -53.432 -8.499 -0.596 8.005 91.618
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.57165 1.44459 0.396 0.693
## CA 1.00817 0.02385 42.266 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 17.71 on 313 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8509, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8504
## F-statistic: 1786 on 1 and 313 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = GE ~ MN)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -27.712 -24.633 -19.780 6.553 210.705
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 36.8887 7.3987 4.986 1.02e-06 ***
## MN 0.6625 0.5872 1.128 0.26
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 45.78 on 313 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.00405, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0008685
## F-statistic: 1.273 on 1 and 313 DF, p-value: 0.2601
## [1] "************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Getiri <dd>li<fe>kileri]********"
## Call:
## lm(formula = GGE ~ GCA)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -12.9965 -2.3101 -0.3696 2.2970 9.1118
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.62103 0.24113 2.575 0.0105 *
## GCA 0.13370 0.06513 2.053 0.0409 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.148 on 312 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.01333, Adjusted R-squared: 0.01016
## F-statistic: 4.214 on 1 and 312 DF, p-value: 0.04092
## Call:
## lm(formula = GGE ~ Gxelex)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -12.5317 -2.1810 -0.5401 2.2598 9.1532
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.2432 0.2302 1.057 0.292
## Gxelex 0.8988 0.1282 7.012 1.46e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3.881 on 312 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.1361, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1334
## F-statistic: 49.17 on 1 and 312 DF, p-value: 1.46e-11
## [1] "************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Mavi Veri ortalama Fiyati, Kirmizi ciktigi en yuksek deger, Yesil son deger]********"
## [1] "********[ORGE=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[ORGE=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[IEYHO=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[ENJSA=Momentum Increase]********"
## [1] "********[NATEN=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[KAREL=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "********[KONTR=Momentum Decrease]********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********[Siyah= Fiyat, Mavi= fiyat yuzde buyume, Kirmizi= fiyat degisim. Son 6 gun]********"
## [1] "********[Mavi, Kirmizi ve Yesil cizgi sonları yukari ise artis demek hepsi yukari ise kesin artis bir iki yukarı ise belirsiz bir durum********"
## [1] "********[Mavi, Kirmizi ve Yesil cizgi sonları yukari ise artis demek hepsi yukari ise kesin artis bir iki yukarı ise belirsiz bir durum. AKENR Cok yuksek artisa gecmis Bollinger band<fd> cok gen<fd>slemis********"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********GESAN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 261.8484
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 262.0332
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 262.5874
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 262.2179
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 4.020919 253.9
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********AKSUE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 41.26918
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 41.4921
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 42.16087
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 41.71502
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.566877 42
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ALMAD Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 6.153317
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 6.163349
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 6.193445
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 6.173381
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.882773 6.31
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********AYEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 39.59023
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 39.78538
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 40.37082
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 39.98052
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.817138 40.8
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********CANTE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 130.5421
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 135.4345
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 150.1116
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 140.3269
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.496778 132.5
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "******** EMKEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 5.278922
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 5.304573
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 5.381526
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 5.330224
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.914818 5.47
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ENJSA Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 32.14463
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 32.14849
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 32.16006
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 32.15235
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.874524 33
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********GWIND Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 22.65495
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 22.74115
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 22.99975
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 22.82735
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.711041 23.26
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********GEREL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 8.904431
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 8.963014
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 9.138764
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 9.021598
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.899235 9.2
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********IEYHO Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 2.089984
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 2.098436
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 2.123794
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 2.106889
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.863548 2.16
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********IPEKE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 35.3381
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 35.45916
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 35.82235
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 35.58022
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.709552 36.5
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********KAREL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 40.37044
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 41.02425
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 42.9857
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 41.67807
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.974766 41.3
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********KONTRL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 159.2717
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 162.9755
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 174.0867
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 166.6792
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.770711 167.4
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********MAGEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 35.62307
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 35.64942
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 35.72847
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 35.67577
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.877347 36.9
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********NATEN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 177.1585
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 180.0572
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 188.7532
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 182.9559
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.848121 183
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ORGE Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 27.30064
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 27.46474
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 27.95704
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 27.62884
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.640291 28.16
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********PAMEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 226.22
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 228.8687
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 236.8149
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 231.5175
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.937933 237.7
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********PRKME Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 24.92443
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 25.07308
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 25.51903
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 25.22173
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.973445 26.2
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********SANEL Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 16.6806
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 16.8622
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 17.40701
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 17.0438
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.867371 17.38
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********SAYAS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 45.58366
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 45.59083
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 45.61235
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 45.598
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.963984 47.18
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********TRCAS Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[INCREASE: Look Model 3 and The short Run increase]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 22.41592
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 23.30031
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 25.95347
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 24.18469
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 2.950756 23.14
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ZEDUR Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 53.93164
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 54.21256
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 55.0553
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 54.49347
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.807033 55.9
## [1] "*****************************************************************"
## [1] "********ZOREN Ongoru Performans********"
## [1] "********[DECREASE: Look Model 1 and The short Run decrease]********"
## Model1: Minumum Value in this day
## Forecasts 7.027127
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in decrease
## Forecasts 7.101244
## Model3: Maximum value in this day
## Forecasts 7.323596
## Short run 10 minute or 1 hour in this day in increase
## Forecasts 7.175361
## Selecting date range: ideal 4.000000 Last Price
## Forecasts 3.826925 7.28